I've lived in Kansas City for four years. Even though Nebraska and Kansas City are both in the mid-west the differences between the areas pop up when you least expect it.
Runza is a very popular fast food restaurant in Nebraska. Lucky for me there is one Runza in Kansas City. I convinced my co-workers to give Runza a try so we ventured out for lunch. While we were eating, they noticed a promotional sign for a chili and cinnamon roll meal. They asked why those would be on the same sign.
I was like, umm....chili and cinnamon rolls always go together. They had never heard of such a thing and thought it sounded horrible.
After a heated debate (well, more funny than heated) we got to the office and took to Google for an answer. Come to find out that the chili and cinnamon roll combo is something that only a small section of the mid-west is accustom too.
I was shocked. I thought everyone knew of this magical meal. The sweet. The spicy. It's perfect.
Growing up in Wahoo, Nebraska this was a common meal. Especially for school lunch. Chili and cinnamon roll day was the best! The cinnamon rolls were huge and covered in frosting. And yes, it's okay to dip the cinnamon roll into the chili.
Guess what? There's a way that I can get the whole country on board the chili and cinnamon roll train.
The now-iconic Lay’s “Do Us A Flavor” contest has returned to the U.S. with a $1 million grand prize for the best potato chip flavor idea. I think that Chili and Cinnamon Roll Kettle Chips would be probably the best creation of all time.
And this year, there is a super fun twist on the contest: Lay’s is asking fans to also include the location (city/state) that inspired each potential million-dollar idea.
Later this year, four delicious finalist flavors – representing flavorful cities and towns across the U.S. – will be fully developed, brought to store shelves and voted on by America.
Today through March 30, 2015, visit Lay's "Do Us A Flavor" to submit your idea for the next great potato chip flavor and read the official rules.
What flavor Lay's Potato Chips would you create? I'd love to hear the unique flavors of your area!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.