I totally planned a staycation and I'm so excited. It's been a busy few months at work and a little break will just be nice. We all need a little time to unwind, relax and reward ourselves for working so hard. Plus, one of my besties (and co-worker) is leaving on maternity leave soon so I want to get a little break in before we lose her for 12 weeks.

The week is already going super fast but I'm making the most of it. I'm organized and made my list of "things to accomplish." Here's the list:
- Paint the master bathroom and closet (eeekkk so excited)
- Serious keep, toss or donate session
- Get basement carpet cleaned (appointment made!)
- Deep clean house (we'll see how that goes)
- Organize my office (it is out of control)
- Nap, daily
- Bake lots of recipes
- Plan next three months of blog posts
- Visit a few local bakeries that I never get to on the weekend
- Finish Jane the Virgin on Netflix
- Walks with Henry
- Did I mention nap?

Tazo Teas are made with some of the finest quality tea leaves, spices and botanicals to create unexpected blends that are always delicious. You can find them at your local grocery store - our local Target has a huge selection.
Have you ever read the tea descriptions on the Tazo boxes? As a marketing nerd, I'm obsessed with their attention to detail and branding. And, totally spent 15 minutes reading all the boxes at Target.

Here's Zen for example: Through the screened front door, zingy lemongrass and spritely spearmint coax contemplative pan-fired green teas to come play. Calmly, lemon verbena opens the door and invites them all to a cup of tea. I mean, how could you not want to drink that?

Tazo Tea is a celebration of flavor and aroma that add a little excitement to my day. They focus their teas around taste and unexpected flavor blends. I just love the hint of mint in Zen. With Tazo, you don’t just sip, you Sip Joyfully.
I'm so excited to enjoy every moment of my staycation. If you've never planned a staycation or just took a few days to just relax. I encourage you to do so - it will leave you refreshed and ready to take on the next challenge.

Now back to my tea. Sip Joyfully everyone!