I'm not a wine drinker. At all. But a few weeks ago I went to a Scentsy party with my friend Julie and they served Sangria. I quickly found out that I do like wine....when you add bubbly stuff, sugar, and fruit.
Since I know very little about wine and liquor in general, I consulted my co-workers as to the best products. They recommended using a Riesling since it is sweeter and not so dry. They also suggested I use Prosecco along with the ginger ale. I guess Prosecco is bubbly and doesn't have a strong taste so it would add the bubbles, and more alcohol. You could definitely skip it and just use ginger ale to save money or cut the alcohol content.
My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came to visit last week and I knew that would be a perfect time to make a batch and have a drink with my sister. So after Granter went to bed, we just sat at the kitchen table, sipped our drinks, and chit chatted. It was so fun, and much needed sister time. I think at one point I tried to convince her and Brian to move here, after all there is a house for sale on our block. It's a no brainer.
As I said...I'm not much of a wine drinker and found out the hard way you can't drink things like this like you would drink a beer. I was definitely feeling a little 'tired' the following day and was not really up to eating much or looking at bright lights. My 3 year old nephew asked me why I had a cold pack on my head. I told him I ate too many peaches and strawberries. He accepted that answer.
I will definitely make this again and again, but will limit the number of glasses consumed. ;) Sangria is such a fun drink; you can mix up the wines and fruits and really make it your own.
Peach White Wine Sangria
1 bottle white wine (I used a medium sweet Riesling)
1/2 cup peach schnapps
1/4 cup sugar (can use more if your wine isn't as sweet)
2 cups frozen sliced peaches (or fresh, if available)
1 cup strawberries, cut into large pieces
1/2 liter ginger ale
1 bottle Prosecco
Pour wine and schnapps into a pitcher. Add in peaches, strawberries, and sugar. Stir gently to mix. Chill mixture for at least an hour.
If serving one glass at a time, fill 1/2 of the glass with the wine mixture, 1/4 of glass with Prosecco, and 1/4 of the glass with ginger ale. Add a few ice cubes to help keep the chill.
If serving as a group, add equal pats ginger ale and Prosecco. Serve to guests over ice.
Variations are endless! You could use mango, raspberries, kiwi, oranges, a little triple sec, or serve with another citrus soda.
Source: Adapted from About.com
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