Spending time in the kitchen baking is one of my favorite things to do. Almost every time I reach for the sugar and flour I hear my husband, Jacob, says “Whatcha makin’ now?” In most cases it’s a new recipe that someone gave me or something I found online. Desserts are by far my favorite but I do mix in the entrĂ©es from time to time.
The best part of baking is sharing the goods with my friends and family. Now, before the goods make it to my friends and family they do have to get Jacob’s approval. He’s no professional food critic or anything but he is 100% honest and is a “pretty big food guy” so he says.
That brings me to this blog. I have a lot of recipes that I’ve collected over the years and continue to discover new ones. I find that each recipe brings a story and I can’t wait to share my stories and recipes with each of you! I hope you enjoy my posts!